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Do Angels Have Emotions?

Angels ,As a kid, your parents or grandparents probably used to tell you about this and how they protect you. But have you ever wondered where they come from or why God sends them to protect you?  Let’s just see what changes this bring into your life and how they express their feelings if they …


Your Go-To Guide To Understanding The Top Archangels

Understanding Archangels The angelic hierarchy consists of different ranks. In that hierarchy, you’ll find Archangels who’ll guide and protect you. Archangels will also help you cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and acceptance. Here’s the chief responsibility of an Archangel – facilitate the soul contracts, life paths, and order in the world. Moreover, Angels even help …

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels And Children: The Special Connection They Share

Unlike adults, children need more help from Angels. Why? Well, because adults know the ways of life; because they know exactly how to navigate their life’s challenges single-handedly. However, children are still wet behind the ears. Kids need divine help. They need protection and guidance at every step of this fallen world. And that is …