Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Today is a fresh start! You are standing tall in your faith and your positive attitude is shining brightly. I feel elated to see you so optimistic. This year, as I am continually by your side, I am looking forward to all the blessings I can see coming your way. You will have an opportunity to let your soul shine today when someone asks you for assistance. Rather than help them in the logical way, use your intuition to inform you about what is really best for them. You will realize teaching this person how to reach the solution on their own will be more effective than doing it for them!.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

11 – A master number. Today you are extremely connected to spirit. You are quick to connect with the loving spirit of all living things around you. Your thoughts and prayers are on the fast-track to being answered. All you need to do is continue to live in accordance with your soul.

Action Steps:

Make a list of your best attributes. In this exercise, you will remember all you have to offer the world. By focusing on these traits, you will feel more confident sharing your gifts with those around you. Once you’ve completed your list, hang it somewhere you will see it every day. This is your reminder of your strengths that will keep your spirits high.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Love & Blessings

All of my prayers are divinely heard, my reality changes by using hopeful words.

angel oasis team