Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

I am so happy that you are opening up to asking me for help and guidance. I am also happy that you are seeing that you really do have a guardian angel who has been with you since your birth and who will remain by your side for all of your days. Today I ask you to share the news of me, your guardian angel, with others and to encourage them to speak to their very own guardian angel. It will feel good to have the support of others and they will greatly appreciate your advice.

Your Angel Number For Today:

3 The angelic number 3 supports inter-connectedness. One way we are all connected by our guardian angels.  We all have angels supporting us, encouraging us, listening to our prayers, and guiding us. You are also connected to everyone you meet. Dissolve the idea of barriers that keep you seperate. See the limitless love all around.

Action Steps:

Take today to sprinkle words of your guardian angel into your conversations. Encourage others to speak to their guardian angel. Begin to spread this message as some are not aware that they have this marvelous gift of an angelic companion. 

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am interconnected with all that is around me, I share news of my guardian angel to encourage others to see.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team