Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“I hear every time you ask for help and I respond. Remember that the help that comes might not be what you asked for but the help always comes in the form that’s for your highest good. You may feel you need something specific in order to achieve happiness but I ask you to have faith that you are always given what you need. If you feel lack right now, try to embrace what is available to you. What is meant to be yours is always there for you, just like I am.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 – Today’s number supports you as you continue on your path of spiritual development. Your spiritual wisdom grows when you begin to see that you are always cared for by the divine. Having trust in how your life is unfolding allows you to embrace the mystery of your faith.

Action Steps:

Write down what you ask your guardian angel for each day. Go back over your writings and notice what you’ve received in response to your requests. You’ll see a pattern of things always working out in the best possible way for you.

Affirmation Of The Day:

As I ask my guardian angel for help in more ways than one, I release my idea of how it should be done.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team