Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
Remember that you are an important part of the whole. Go out in nature today to experience this connection with the world around you. Glance up at the night sky and see the stars. Look at the trees spreading outward and upward. Notice the rocks. When you become part of the natural world your problems minimize, even for a few minutes. Your heart opens and your head clears. I love to walk with you in nature.
Your Angel Number For Today:
4 – Today’s angelic number four is the number of stability. Being outside helps you experience the stability of the natural world. The cycle of nature is dependable. Use this natural stability to recognize that even when storms appear they do not last. Nature continues on –as does the love of your guardian angel.
Action Steps:
Notice how your body instinctively responds to the changes of the seasons. Notice changes in your eating desires (light fresh foods or warm, root based foods) and your energy (whether it’s outward or inward focused). Go with the flow of nature – and go with the flow of your angelic guidance.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I am part of the connection of nature, I cherish each and every creature.
Love & Blessings