Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Being in tune with the cycle of nature helps you to be in tune with your own inner wisdom. When your body is in harmony with the cycles of light and darkness, you will feel your energy peaking. Practice rising with the sun and imagine it illuminating you with divine light. In the early morning, speak with me as you begin your day. Tell me your hopes for what you plan to achieve and any troubles that may be burdening you. I seek to lighten your heart and assist you in every way.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
5 – Today this angelic number encourages you to maintain positivity. Remember that you don’t have to question whether the sun will rise or whether your guardian angel will support you. There are certain given things.
Action Steps:
Wake up fifteen minutes earlier to enjoy the morning light before the rush of your day begins. Use this quiet time to sit in the light of the sun. Begin your day in active communication with the angels.
Affirmation Of The Day:
Today I rise early to shine with the sun, this helps my mind, body, and spirit to be one.
Love & Blessings