Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
I stand at the ready, waiting for your invitation, to provide you with a spiritual alignment. You are granted free will. I would never interfere with your ability to make choices to grow and learn. When you call, I am ready and willing to help you raise your vibration to align more with Divine loving energy. You can do this at any moment. Instantly, I will help you move into peace and harmony.
Your Angel Number For Today:
4 – Today’s your inner strength is bolstered by the energy of the angelic number 4. Trust that you are being supported as you move into greater alignment with the loving nature of the Divine. When you have a fortified spiritual foundation of life, there is limitless potential to your joy, abundance, and personal fulfillment.
Action Steps:
Today concentrate on thinking that what is happening in your life is being done for you, not to you. When you have this mentality, you start to see miracles.
Affirmation Of The Day:
What is happening to me today is for my highest good, I can trust that things happen exactly as they should.
Love & Blessings