Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Being positive does not mean that you are always happy. Being positive means that you are walking closely with me and with divine love. Being positive means that you trust that there is meaning behind everything that is happening. I hear your prayers when you ask for guidance and support during trying times.

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 Today’s angelic number supports nurturing. I was placed in your life from the very beginning to love and nurture you. Allow yourself to feel and experience this unconditional, never-ending love.

Action Steps:

Notice the times today when you feel a little doubt, a little insecure, a little lost. Ask your guardian angel to help you accept what is happening without needing to understand the outcome for now.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am positive that I am loved and supported, I can have faith that my guardian angel always keeps things sorted.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team