Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“What does the mystery of darkness hold? You may fear darkness, associating it with things that are bad, but the night holds many wonders too. It is a time of quiet and solitude, rest and rejuvenation. Today, I ask you to slow down in the early evening. Try to quiet your mind and let the events of the day disappear as the sun goes down. You will feel restored in the morning if you are actively releasing your concerns in the evening.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 – Today this angelic number calls you to focus on home and hearth. The vibration of this number encourages retreating inward, physically and mentally.

Action Steps:

Attempt to slow down your activities after the sun sets. Spend less time doing and more time quieting yourself. Light candles. Limit the amount of artificial light that you use in the evening. Let your body slow down instead of working until bedtime because artificial light is available.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Today I slow down my activities as the sun sets, this helps me to reset.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team