Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Do you know why angels can fly so high? We do not carry burdens. As pure love and light, angels are able to soar freely. I stand by your side to help you feel this limitlessness in your life too. Today I remind you that you can always place your worries, fears, and concerns onto me. I hear your every prayer and swoop in to alleviate any discomfort in your life. When you pray, you are lightening the weight on your heart. As you do this, your spirit too begins to elevate.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
9 – Today’s angelic number encourages you to be gentle and compassionate towards yourself. Your natural empathy may call you to feel the weight of the world, for you see the suffering others must live through. Your kind soul does not have to bear this alone. By sharing your concerns with me, you are uplifting yourself. This healing is what transforms the world.
Action Steps:
Spend time today reflecting on the thoughts and feelings that are burdening you right now. Once you have an idea, reach out to me through prayer. Feel the love in your heart melting away your troubles.
Affirmation Of The Day:
My heart lifts as I share my prayers, I am free to fly and move through the air.
Love & Blessings