Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Feel the seeds of rebirth emerging in your life. You are in a phase of transformation. Allow what is bubbling below the surface to emerge. This is where the real gold of your spirit is – hidden within you. Nurture the seeds of the gifts you bring to this world. You are finding more opportunities to share them with others. I sprinkle your life with love to foster this growth. You are blossoming with divine timing. Hold steady and remain committed to the process of your spiritual development.

Your Angel Number For Today:

2 Today’s angelic number supports partnership. The best partnerships are the kind that allow for you to feel trusted, nurtured, and inspired. These partnerships accelerate your personal development because your best qualities are reflected for you to see. Likewise, you are a mirror for the gifts and talents of your loved ones.

Action Steps:

Plant something today to foster spiritual growth – think of an idea that you’d like to bring to fruition to help you in your journal. Journal it, dance it out, create a vision board, write it on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. 

Affirmation Of The Day:

I grow love in my life with my positive thoughts and actions, the ideas I have are coming attractions.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team