Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

You are endowed with free will. I am asking you to use this free will wisely. This is how you develop yourself spiritually. You have the wisdom to know what you need. Ask and you will be given, but release the desire to control the how, why, when, and where. Part of free will is learning best for yourself and the other half is having the faith that the results are always for the greatest good. Free will, when used in concert with me, will propel you forward in a positive manner.

Your Angel Number For Today:

1 Today’s angelic number supports new beginnings. You can make a fresh start. Don’t let the past be recreated today. This is a blank slate and you can begin anew. Take advantage of being able to make choices that reflect the wisdom you’ve gained.

Action Steps:

Today is a good day for dreaming and asking for what is for your highest good. Release the need to ask for what you want, trusting that you will be given what you need.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Freewill gives me the ability to choose, this strengthens my know-how about what will bring me good news.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team