Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Often in periods of waiting for prayers to be answered, for changes to manifest, you might feel as if you are living in darkness. Remember that darkness does not last forever. You will experience the light again. But remember, even in the darkness, I am with you, by your side, listening to your prayers.

Your Angel Number For Today:

2 The angelic energy of the 2 provides you with extra courage to keep going through seemingly dark times. While these times test your faith, you have by your side your greatest ally – your guardian angel.

Action Steps:

Light a candle today as darkness falls. Take a few breaths and ask your guardian angel for support in all that you do.

Affirmation Of The Day:

My guardian angel is my beacon of light in dark times, I am able to call on love and support to truly shine.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team