Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“I am always trying to bring you comfort. It is my greatest hope that you every need be fulfilled. At times, however, you are called to develop your character through trials of faith and strength. God has a purpose and it is to have you realize what you are capable of overcoming when you remain full of grace. You are meant to grow spiritually. This wisdom cannot be obtained otherwise. Always remember to call on me to soothe your spirit and remind you of your great ability to succeed.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 – Today’s angelic number encourages you to think about the difference between character and personality. Your personality is what makes you unique and will most likely remain the same through life; your character is cultivated by the choices you make and commitments you hold. Your character is shaped by taking the route that isn’t the easiest but is the right thing to do.

Action Steps:

Let the circumstances of today help develop your character by doing what you know needs to be done. Take the route that will shape you into becoming a person with strong moral quality.

Affirmation Of The Day:

My morality gives me strength of character, my guardian angel is my carrier.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team