Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“It is easy to remember the importance of your physical health. Your body gives signals of it is in need: you become thirsty or hungry. Sometimes the signs that you are in spiritual need aren’t as apparent. You may feel sad, dull, and uninspired but you don’t realize it is your spirit that needs care. Your spiritual health is proportional to the connection you feel to the world around you. Open your heart to the world and your spirits will lift.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 – Today’s angelic number reminds you to honor your spiritual nature. Spend time saying your prayers and give yourself space to listen for answers. Your inner wisdom is how the divine speaks to you.

Action Steps:

Ensure you have quiet time to be able to hear your inner wisdom wants you to know. Set aside time to be alone, in solitude and quiet, to collect your thoughts and find inner peace.

Affirmation Of The Day:

My spiritual needs love and care, when I spend time in quiet I am able to hear.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team