Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Roots are important in life. They are what ground us and hold us in place. When you go outside today, look at the bare trees and bushes. Their strong roots hold them in the ground as the winds blow. As nature reminds us of the importance of roots, I am asking you to plant yourself in your life. Root your life in faith, in knowing that you are a perfect being, part of a great plan, and completely supported by me.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
6 – Today this angelic number asks you to feel the support of friends and family. These deeply binding ties are part of the roots that nourish you. Think of how the strength of your relationships helps you to feel secure in your life. Cherish these roots and honor them today.
Action Steps:
Visit a grocery store or farmers’ market to delight in the bounty of root vegetables. Experiment by choosing a vegetable new to you and cooking it.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I root my life in the belief in angels, with this faith my heart is always full.
Love & Blessings