Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“I am always speaking to you through your dreams – the daydreams when your mind is wandering and your slumber dreams when you are fast asleep. You may notice your thoughts keep moving in a certain direction. This is my inspiration to you. I am trying to set in motion something new for your life, and I am sending messages in the form of new ideas. When you sleep tonight, ask for your slumbering dreams to be open to my guidance as well. You will see the images of actions you can take to bring healing into your life.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 – Today this angelic number reminds you that the answers you seek can always be found within. I am always giving you the love, support, and care you need to succeed in life. I communicate with you directly; all you need to do is trust your wisdom. Others have their own path and the advice they receive is made for them. You don’t have to let other’s thoughts influence your own intuition. You already know the truth.

Action Steps:

Pay attention to your thoughts today. Is there something that keeps popping up? Write it down or draw a picture of this. You will want to remember it in the days to come, even if it doesn’t make sense just quiet yet.

Affirmation Of The Day:

The daydreams I have are meaningful, there is inspiration to recieve when my mind is in a lull.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team