Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Every single person has been created in love. It doesn’t matter their religious or spiritual beliefs. Their simple existence has a purpose. You may have questioned why there are so many differences among people recently. It is so we can learn tolerance, respect, and acceptance. This is one of the most precious spiritual teachings: all are worthy of love.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
9 – Today’s angelic number encourages you to release any grudges or resentment you feel. Holding onto these negative feelings only keeps you back. It is okay that things turned out differently. While you may feel justified in your judgement, there is a call today to forgive and move on. Everyone is learning through their mistakes.
Action Steps:
Have a conversation with someone who is different than you. Maybe their clothing style is different, or you know their personal background and they have a different faith. Spend time developing a connection and feel your capacity to understand God’s wisdom expand.
Affirmation Of The Day:
All people are created the same, it is time for me to let go of blame.
Love & Blessings