Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Listen to your inner promptings today. If you hear a song and think of a friend, that’s no coincidence. Contact them – they need to hear from you and you need to hear what they have to say to you. If you feel a sudden urge to avoid a street as you’re driving, find another route for you might be avoiding a delay or accident. Work with me and not against me as I direct you to what you need to grow and thrive. Have faith in your intuition because that is how I can best communicate with you.

Your Angel Number For Today:

1 The angelic number 1 gives you a green light to participate more in your spiritual life. Engage in the dialogue with the universe. Be a participant, not a bystander. You can actively change the world for the better.

Action Steps:

Follow any and all promptings you receive today. There are no coincidences. When you acknowledge the synchronicity you’ll smile at how things do work out for your highest good. You will feel in the flow and see that you are always guided by my wisdom.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Today I will get out of my own ways and trust in how my guardian angel is directing me always.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team