Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

When you knock, I will open doors for you. If you feel like vanishing, I will help bring light back into your own. When you fall, I will lift you up again. When you are fulfilled, I celebrate. I am always with you. Your problems are my problems. Your joy is my joy. Remember our special relationship. Whatever you need, I will provide for you. Cherish the bond we share and you will always feel fulfilled.

Your Angel Number For Today:

3 Today’s angelic number encourages you to embrace the full spectrum of emotions you can feel. From sadness to bliss, there is a wide range of states for you to experience. They are all part of your spiritual journey. Creativity is one way to transform, celebrate, and commemorate your feelings.

Action Steps:

Mark a recent special occasion with a creative project. Write a poem, frame a picture, sketch a drawing, or do a craft to honor meaningful moments.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I make meaningful moments with creative acts, my guardian angel is always at my back.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team