Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“It is tough to embrace the future when you are still focused on the past. You are being called towards great things, but right now ideas of who you have been in the past are holding you back. Today I encourage you to let go of the stories about who you think you are based on what you’ve done in the past. When you release these expectations, you are open to stepping into who you might become in the future.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

9 – This angelic number reminds you of the need to surrender to the divine will. It is not the time to cling to outdated beliefs. Rather, you are given an opportunity to release control and align your will with that of the divine.

Action Steps:

Practice the art of letting go by decluttering your home. What things do you have that are no longer needed? Clean up your space and make room for fresh energy.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I declutter my space, and this makes way for a new pace.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team