Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Although I am your only guardian angel, I am not the only angel working on your behalf. There are a multitude of angels who you can call on at any time – and angels that you can ask to be by the side of others. These include angels of loved ones and friends. If you feel someone in your life is struggling, you can speak to their guardian angel. Sending prayers to their guardian angel will help support them on a spiritual level. Their guardian angel may also offer you insight into how you can do your best to show love and care for them during this time.

Your Angel Number For Today:

5 Today’s angelic number supports you maintaining positivity in your life. Know that you are never alone, you are always watched over. Use this knowledge for the benefit of others. Seek their guardian angels guidance.

Action Steps:

Take time today to speak to the other angels in your life. Maintain a communication, meaning, not only speak to them but listen to their responses. This is how you know you are acting with your heart and not your head. You may not know the full experience they need to have for spiritual growth, but you will be able to support them in a way that is beneficial for you both.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Angels surround me all day, every day; I can speak with loved one’s guardian angels to hear what they have to say.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team