Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Spiritual progress can mean many things: release old hurts, finding inner tranquility, developing a more sensitive and empathetic nature, increasing your faith in the divine. Your spiritual progress does not have to be the same as others because you have your own lessons to learn. You should only gauge your spiritual progress in regard to how you’ve been in the past. As you become more aware of your spiritual nature, new levels of awareness are going. Celebrate this, for I am in joy watching you.

Your Angel Number For Today:

9 Today’s angelic number encourages you to dissolve boundaries between you and the world. There is a sense of oneness within you today. You see just how connected you are to the world around you. Tap into this sense of universal at-one-ness and feel the happiness that comes from knowing you’ve never been alone.

Action Steps:

Speak freely to the plants and animals around you. They can hear the vibration of your loving worlds. They too are uplifted when shown gratitude and appreciation.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Spiritual progress comes in all shapes and forms, I stay focused on my goals to help them be born.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team