Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Work in union with the angels to help the planet. I have been guiding you recently to be more aware of the environment around you. Hopefully, you’ve been noticing that your mood is elevated when you are in natural landscapes. It is important for your well-being that you breathe clean air and drink clean water. It is up to you to participate in ensuring Earth remains a harmonious, healthy place for all.  Do what you can to conserve natural resources. You have only one planet Earth.

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 Today’s number encourages you to continue on your current path, including one of being in union with the Earth. The energy supports you spending time alone in nature in order to reconnect with yourself. Trees and grass support your internal contemplation.

Action Steps:

Take steps today to conserve, compost, recycle. Every little bit helps. Do what you can. It will also be beneficial to walk outside barefoot. This reduces your stress levels and increases your mental alertness.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am grateful for all that the Earth provides to me, I care about all animals from the giant whales to small bees.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team