Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
Feel the warmth of my love today as I ask you to live from your heart and not your head. Your heart, your intuition, will guide you to people and situations for your highest good. When living from your heart you are living in alignment with me and all of the angels that surround you.
Your Angel Number For Today:
8 – Today the angelic number eight supports gratitude. When you live from your heart, your soul, you naturally live in gratitude. Giving thanks for what you have is a sure way to happiness.
Action Steps:
Look at when you are over-analyzing, not living from your heart, your institution. Ask your heart what it needs, not what you mind tells you it does.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I let go and let love, my heart guides me from a place above.
Love & Blessings