Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Count your blessings today. Things are taking a turn for the best. I am sending you signs and signals today. Pay attention to the little things and begin to feel grounded again. Notice the way a warm cup feels in your hand, the softness of a blanket. These comforting touches are my way of showing that you’re nourished by my love and always cared for with my attentiveness. By the end of the day, when your gratitude list is long, you will have an honest assessment of all the divine love in your life.

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 Today’s angelic number 6 supports harmony. When you live in harmony with the world around you, you feel a deep interconnection to the plants, animals, and people in our life. These things give your life purpose and meaning when you work in divine cooperation with them. You have special tasks to fulfill.

Action Steps:

Speak with a friend or family member today and with them count your blessings. You’ll find that you are both happier at the end of the process.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Today I will count my blessings from morning until night, by the end of the day I will see all the ways my life is filled with light.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team