Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Not every day will go as perfectly as you want. There will be bumps to support your growth and to test your faith. I am with you through every twist and turn, through tears and longings. Even when you feel low, I am with you to lift you up. These challenges are part of your spiritual journey. Embrace them with strength and you will prosper.

Your Angel Number For Today:

3 Growth is supported by today’s angelic number. Growing pains are normal, even when you are talking about spiritual growth. Do the best you can today. Each step you take is a reminder of how far you’ve come. It’s natural for you to need assistance when you are growing. Ask for the support you need.

Action Steps:

Look at the extended weather forecast and see that “bad” weather does not last forever. The sun eventually returns. Use this exercise to get you through a bad day.

Affirmation Of The Day:

A bad day is just one day, I will make it through and be on my way.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team