Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

You are in a process of waking up to who you truly are. This is your time of enlightenment. You are shedding light on the truths of your soul that are finally ready to be expressed in the world. I am supporting you in this transformation, as I know it can be challenging for you at times. You are doing a wonderful job of living your spiritual path. Call on me whenever you need divine support or inspiration. I’m right here.

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 Today’s angelic number supports you in doing a personal inventory. Connecting with yourself is an important aspect of your spiritual practice. It’s wonderful to give yourself to others but today invites you to come back to yourself in simplicity and solitude. Listen to your inner guidance and prompting.

Action Steps:

Imagine little beams of light hiding in your heart. Invite them to step forward and speak the pieces of truth they are holding for you. Listen to these lights in your heart.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am living the truth of my heart, I am slowly and surely coming to a new start.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team