Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Move your body today to shake off stagnant energy. Your emotions can keep you stuck and the quickest way to get in a good mood is through movement. Move in any way that feels comfortable for you – dance, walk, run, yoga, stretch. Move under the sun, move under the light of the moon, move to music or move in silence. I am dancing alongside you as you find your rhythm.

Your Angel Number For Today:

8 With today’s angelic number, gratitude is the word of the day. It is a day of giving thanks and receiving prosperity and abundance in return. Use your works, actions, and movement today to express gratitude.

Action Steps:

Find ways to move today and as you do so, picture cobwebs and stagnant energy falling away. Notice how liberated you feel.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Movement is a form of prayer and gratitude, I move around to change my attitude.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team