Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
You cannot give what you are lacking, dear one. Fill your life with joy so that you are able to spread joy in the world. Fill your life with self-compassion and self-nurturing so that you are able to help nurture and show compassion to others. Have faith so you can offer it. When you forgive yourself, you can more easily forgive. You can only provide for others what you’ve learned to provide for yourself. Practice giving yourself the love, nurturance, and grace first then extend it outwards.
Your Angel Number For Today:
6 – Today’s angelic number 6 supports self-nurturing. Use the energy of the day to strengthen your dedication to meeting your own needs. It is okay to have moments of personal time. This ensures you are connected to your own soul. Your well-being is important.
Action Steps:
Do things for yourself today that nurture and support you. Do so without guilt. Do not worry about spending time and money on yourself.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I nurture myself so I can share, checking in with myself is a form of self-care.
Love & Blessings