Today's Angel Card Is...

Five of Cups Sadness
Credits: "The Angel Tarot" card deck by Jayne Wallace

Five of Cups: Sadness

The Five of Cups represents sadness, confusion, hurt, and loss. There is a great deal of emotional upheaval around you at present. You are questioning everything due to this. Perhaps a friendship or a relationship around you is unbalanced which is causing you to feel this way. Your security and confidence have taken a hit. So, it’s crucial for you now to begin your recovery.

Your Recovery is Beginning

Unfortunately, being confused, lonely and down is a normal part of life. Everyone feels this way from time to time. Your angels wish you to know today that this situation is not going to last forever. A time of focus and recovery is beginning. Everything will work out for you. It is important for you to know and believe this right now. 

It’s important for you to allow yourself to work through any negative emotions such as sadness and hurt. You may actually find that this is a cleansing experience that you benefit from greatly. So, allow yourself to cry. Embrace all the emotions that are running through you. You will feel so much better when you have worked through these!

Take Time and Space for Yourself

Be kind to yourself today. It’s imperative that you take the time and space you need in order for you to get yourself back on track. Try not to overthink anything for the moment. Your sadness will not last forever. The sun will come out again to bring light and hope into your life. 

A time of balance and of enjoying life more than ever is coming up for you. You will appreciate this all the more after the difficulties and heartache you have been through. There is love, light, and peace on the horizon for you. Have faith that there are better times that are sure to be coming your way.