Today's Angel Card Is...

Knights of Wands Action
Credits: "The Angel Tarot" card deck by Jayne Wallace

Knight of Wands: Actions

The Knight of Wands is representative of an individual who demands your attention and time. He is a passionate, fiery, idea and energy-filled person who has a power within him that is obvious for the world to see. The big downside of the Knight of Wands is that it represents a person who needs to constantly be in communication with you. It’s someone who wants your attention to the exclusion of everything else. However, this is not an ideal situation where you’re concerned. This individual will believe they’re your savior, plumber, confidante, electrician, guru, and anything else you could ever need. 

The Knight of Wands Wants to be Your Plumber, Confidante, Electrician, and Everything Else!

Whoever this individual is, they feel that they are the one-stop solution to all your needs. They feel that they can be everything to you and for you. However, as you know so well, you are perfectly capable of standing on your own two feet. You don’t need their input or anyone else’s for that matter. You just need to let this person down gently. Having said that, don’t put up with too much pressure from them. Interestingly though, the angels say that this person may actually have some good ideas!

So, what can you do? Create some boundaries, that’s what! Your life is moving along quickly now with lots of action showing around you. With this energy comes new opportunities. Consequently, you may find that travel calls to you as well as meeting new people who will be completely on your wavelength. You will be in high social demand which will suit you down to the ground. 

Adventure Calls Your Name

This new and exciting time of your life will usher in so many new experiences. You will be having such a great time that you won’t even notice how busy you are until you stop for a second! What you have is great momentum going so you can get everything done that you need to. Also, you’ll still have plenty of energy left over to do whatever else you would like to!

The angels guide you towards the most fun of times. You will throw yourself into fun, positive situations. If you are open to new love, someone new and caring is coming into your life. Another meaning of this card is moving home.