Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

When you give to others, you are truly receiving. This is the secret to happiness. Release the need to feel you have to hoard what you have. Share your joy, share your abundance, share your time, share your feelings, and share your thoughts with the people in your life. When you give of yourself freely, you reap unimaginable rewards. Your selflessness heightens the connection you feel. Others receive the benefits of your spirit and you reap the prosperity that comes with having the courage to share your good-hearted nature with the world.

Your Angel Number For Today:

3 Today’s angelic number encourages you to be authentic in your communication with others. You have your own style of talking, walking, and being you. Don’t modify this for any reason. Embrace what sets you apart. Be bold and share your creativity with the world. It is healthy for you to communicate in your own truthful manner.

Action Steps:

Think of the world as your stage. You are the lead actor, with the spotlight on you, giving it all to others. Do your best to not hold back today. Let our spirit shine.

Affirmation Of The Day:

When I share my spirit freely, I am open to greatly receiving.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team