Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“You have everything you need in the present moment. Don’t look back at yesterday, don’t look forward to tomorrow. Be present in the now with the trust that you are provided for – always. Maybe in not the way you think is best, but in the way that you need things to be in order to grow and thrive. And you always have angels walking with you.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

8 – The angelic energy of this number is one of abundance. Trust that you will always be given what you need. The universe has an abundance of love and support for you.

Action Steps:

Today try your best to live in the present moment. Don’t compare today with yesterday. Don’t look forward to tomorrow at the risk of losing today.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am living in the present moment and it is perfect for me.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team