Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Sometimes very important conversations don’t happen with words – they happen with the heart. A silent hug, or linking hands with someone, has the power to speak volumes. Your feelings are communicated without ever having to say a thing. Today you will be put in a situation that calls you to use your feelings rather than your words. Trying to console this person logically will not have the same effect as supporting them emotionally. Give a hug, provide nurturance in the form of offering emotional support, and help nourish them with food. They need your comfort and support, just as you need mine. Your assistance will be something this person always remembers.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
9 – Today this angelic number encourages you to let the spirit of empathy and compassion be your guide. You may be feeling extra sensitive to the troubles of others because you are able to sense what it would be like to be in their shoes.
Action Steps:
Extend a helping hands to those in need. You may also want to take time to recharge your own emotional battery. If you are feeling depleted, do an activity that recharges your wellness. This will put you in a better place to give care to others.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I help others through my empathy, for when I look at them it is their heart I see.
Love & Blessings