Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Don’t be so quick to think you know yourself completely. Today you may experience something that awakens you to an entirely new side of yourself. Let this side of yourself blossom. It can be an exciting discovery to see yourself in a new light. Over your lifetime you will be born again many times. Embrace this growth.

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 Today’s angelic number encourages you to find a community that nourishes your spirit. The people you are surrounded by, are always reflecting back to you. Exploring who you are in different group settings can help you notice different talents and skill sets you have that emerge at certain times. Find the community that makes you feel most valued and seen for the wonderful person you are.

Action Steps:

Plan on participating in a group activity. Cultivate community in your life. Seek out new networks of people who share similar interests to you. Notice if you like to be a leader or support character – does this switch in different groups of people?

Affirmation Of The Day:

Today I discover new facets of my personality and I explore it to discover a different way to be.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team