Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“While you are busy making your own plans, life continues to happen. Even the greatest laid plans often wind up needing a bit of change. This flexibility is important to succeed. Life is filled with twists and turns. It is impossible to predict what comes next. The best mixture is a thought-out plan that has room for the unfoldment of the present moment.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

4 – This angelic number is an opportunity to review the long-term plans you have in place. You want to have adaptability in case better options appear. Remember, there is always a divine plan at work that you may not currently know about.

Action Steps:

Journal on these questions: Are you thinking about the future? If so, do your plans include room for surprises? How do you react to disruption to your plans?

Affirmation Of The Day:

The best plans have structure and flow, I admit I do not know how life should go.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team