Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Know that if you ever feel alone, isolated, or abandoned, all you need to do is open your heart to the divine love around you. You are never truly alone. I am always with you, guiding your path. You are also naturally connected to everything in your surroundings: people, wildlife, and nature. Breathe in a feeling of love, exhale doubts and uncertainty. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and remind yourself that you belong here, you are safe, and you are loved by me always.

Your Angel Number For Today:

11 Today’s angelic number 11 encourages you to be a channel between heaven and earth. You are more sensitive to those around you, which can lead to hurt feelings if you are unsure of where the extra feelings are coming from. This can also lead to great bliss if you are mindful of the spiritual connection you have to others throughout the day.

Action Steps:

When you are in situations today, ask what the spiritual purpose may be. What is your spiritual relationship like to the people around you? What is your spiritual relationship to the environment? What is your spiritual relationship to yourself? Let spirit be your guide.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Spiritually, I can never be alone and when I remember this I can always feel at home.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team