Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Not all paths are ready-made. As  much as you wish it could be nicely paved and waiting for you to gently go down, sometimes you have to create a path yourself. This can mean overcoming obstacles that stand in your way. Having determination to clear through the challenges that stand in your way. Jumping over puddles that you might otherwise sink into. In many ways, this life is your greatest adventure. I ensure that you are always cared for and have what you need. It is up to you to have the assertion needed to do what is asked of you.

Your Angel Number For Today:

5 Today’s angelic number encourages dancing with the unknown. Things are changing all the time and you have to remain focused in the present moment to stay on your feet. If you feel you are being met with disruption today, embrace the challenges and become more flexible. Find your own rhythm in the flow of life and move with it. You are graceful, resilient, and able to maneuver with the bumps in the road.

Action Steps:

Move your body in different ways: leap, jump, crawl, kick. As you do this, remember you can take these actions in life when challenges come your way. Does this problem need to be crawled through or leapt over? Thinking in this way will give you new insight about how to handle situations.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I create my own path and this is my great adventure, my guardian angel ensures that I am protected and can always feel confident and sure.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team