Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“Love is eternal. Let it be your guiding force. Your worries about recent troubles may have you making decisions based on avoiding outcomes you are scared of happening, doing things you don’t want to do because you fear the consequences otherwise. Today I am here to remind you to not allow your problems to push you, rather be led by the love in your heart. Your prayers are always heard and I am consistently offering paths for you to follow that are rooted in love, trust, optimism and faith. Please don’t feel like you have no other options; I promise you that through my protection, you always do. When it comes time today to make a choice, tune into your heart and pick the option that makes you feel uplifted.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

11 – Today this angelic master number opens your communication channel with me and other angelic beings of love. You will notice synchronicities. These events are not a mere coincidence – you are being guided by divine wisdom and love. Follow any inner promptings you have today. Your intuition will be heightened and there are many things I will be sharing with you.

Action Steps:

Each time you feel unsure today, take a moment to pause. Inhale a deep breath, clear your mind, and tune into your heart. Call on my assistance and ask for the path of love to be revealed to you. Make the decision that makes your heart feel lighter. This is the best path for you.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I make decisions out of love as my guardian angel guides me from above.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team