Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Feed your soul by doing things that bring you joy, by being around people who inspire you. Just as it is important to ingest healthy food, it’s equally important to think thoughts of self-love, and surround yourself with like-minded people who act from a place of love and kindness. Ask me to bring such people into your life if you feel you are lacking in that way. Nourish yourself on all levels: body, mind, soul.

Your Angel Number For Today:

1 Today’s angelic number inspires you to take care of your own needs. You have a green light today to take care of yourself by nourishing your soul. The number one supports new beginnings – and that includes a new attitude toward yourself and your life. Living from a place of self-love changes how you interact with others. It shows you are courageous, in touch with your own feelings, and have strength in demonstrating your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Action Steps:

Sit quietly and ask your soul what it needs for nourishment. Do at least one thing today in response to what your soul asked for.

Affirmation Of The Day:

When I ask I receive, I nourish myself to be the best I can be.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team