Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

When you spend time in solitude, you find that you are no longer alone. The fear of isolation you have dissolves. What you discover is your innermost self. You realized that your connection to spirit, to God, and to me is indivisible. You are always connected to the divine. In contemplation, you can awaken your innermost soul. When this happens, you come to know yourself as one with all.

Your Angel Number For Today:

7 Today’s angelic number encourages you to take time to explore your innermost soul. Be quiet and still. In the center of this calm, you will feel your spirit radiating from within. As you tap into this place within, you will feel a deep spiritual connection to the world around you.

Action Steps:

Spend time alone today. You will benefit from this time spent with yourself. It offers an opportunity for you to hear the voice of a guardian angel.

Affirmation Of The Day:

In solitude, I discover my innermost soul; when I know myself in this way I feel whole.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team