Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“It is time for you to challenge yourself. There is one thing you think you can never do. But I am here to remind you of the strength I offer you. You will find that in taking on this challenge, you realize there is nothing you cannot overcome. If you can have the courage to do this, other obstacles will seem easy in comparison. You will always remember the time you overcame your biggest challenge. When you do this, you can do anything.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

4 – This angelic number gives you endurance. Endurance is being able to remain focused and committed, even when things are unpleasant and trying. You have grit, passion, and perseverance for long-term goals, today. Don’t let this go to waste.

Action Steps:

Spend time reflecting on athletic competitions. Often athletes are pushed to extreme physical limits: fatigue, dehydration, injuries. They still push on because of their motivation. You have the same abilities within you. Continue moving beyond your limits.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I am motivated to endure. I can overcome it, I am sure.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team