Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Often in periods of waiting for prayers to be answered, for changes to manifest, you might feel as if you are living in darkness. Remember that darkness does not last forever. You will experience the light again. But remember, even in the darkness, I am with you, […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: You are enough. Please don’t let anyone make you feel that you are inferior. You are divinely loved and as such possess powerful tools to create great change in the world around you. Sometimes you just need to bring those gifts to the surface, to acknowledge your […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Share yourself with others today. You called on to be a lighthouse in the world today, a beacon of light in an often dark world. Let the connection you have with me serve as a ray of hope in the world. You have been given much and […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Today would be a good day to slow down on the “doing” and take some time for reflection. Why are you doing what you do? Why are you thinking what you think? Why are you surrounding yourself with certain people? Take an honest account of your actions, […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Have patience with the process called life. Again I ask you to return to nature and notice that a fruit-bearing tree does not appear the day after the seeds are planted. It can be months where the seed is steeped in darkness before the first sprout springs […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Being positive does not mean that you are always happy. Being positive means that you are walking closely with me and with divine love. Being positive means that you trust that there is meaning behind everything that is happening. I hear your prayers when you ask for […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Just as now is the season to plant bulbs that will grow in the spring, so too is now the time to plant ideas that will blossom in the new year. Ask me to help you to sort through wants and desires to help you choose what […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: Remember that you are an important part of the whole. Go out in nature today to experience this connection with the world around you. Glance up at the night sky and see the stars. Look at the trees spreading outward and upward. Notice the rocks. When you […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: I am so happy that you are opening up to asking me for help and guidance. I am also happy that you are seeing that you really do have a guardian angel who has been with you since your birth and who will remain by your side […]
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Hi … Archangel ‘s Message For You Today: A daily practice of gratitude changes your way of thinking from positive to negative, from victim to one who is blessed. Part of my job is to help you see that you are given a multitude of blessings – large and small. Even what may be viewed […]
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