Today's Angel Card Is...

The Wheel of Fortune: Angel of Destiny
Do you believe in destiny? For example, if you’re wondering, “Will my house sell?” then someone comes knocking on your door asking about buying your home, is that coincidence or fate? How does your perception shift when you start to realize the shifts that occur in life are ultimately to propel you towards your ultimate happiness? This card is to remind you that nothing in life is static. There will always be good times and bad times, and inevitably the wheel keeps turning.
Will my House Sell? Will I Find Love? Let The Angel of Destiny Guide You!
Realizing there are greater forces at work will help you feel more at ease in the midst of change. Your life is always improving, whether it seems that way or not because the angels are guiding and protecting you through divine intervention. What looks like a setback is really a blessing in disguise. There is no need to let yourself get upset — simply smile and remember that the wheel of life is always turning in your favor.
Today will offer you opportunities to get things in motion and release stagnancy in your life. Wondering “Will I find love?” or “Will my house sell?” then it’s time to take a chance on what comes your way. Say yes to something even if it feels outside your comfort zone. It is often through unexpected, out-of-the-ordinary events that major breakthroughs occur.
Believe in Divine Alignment
You are already deeply connected to everyone and everything within the spiritual realm. What seems like fate is truly divine alignment. The pieces of the puzzle are all coming together in perfect harmony. Don’t give up before the last one is set in place, for the entire picture is much greater than you can imagine and well worth waiting to see.