Here Are Some Unknown Facts About Angels

  3 April, 2022

Angels ,How do it appear? Why are they created? What are it up to? All these questions might come to your mind. Today, in this blog, we will talk about a few unknown facts about this.


Angels and celestial entities have always piqued the interest of humans. Moreover, it may surprise you to learn that the Bible does not represent them . As a result, the majority of them in the Bible have the appearance and shape of men.

Besides, many of the it have wings. And some of them will be larger than life. You might be amazed to know that this have many faces. Some of them may appear as men from one of them and a lion, an ox, or an eagle from another one.

On top of that, some of them  seem like ordinary humans while others are dazzling, shining, and fiery. In the same way, some of them are invisible—but you can feel their presence and hear their voices. Cool, right? Well, that is why they can become one of the hottest campfire stories. Well, let us dive deep into the world of Guardian Angels.

Who Are Angels?

They are mighty beings who serve as God’s messengers. According to the Bible, they have appeared in front of humans many times.

Along with it, in New Testament, They are also ministering spirits who care for human beings. Jesus appeared to imply that tiny children have they assigned to them. He also stated that the Angels of kids always see the face of God. As a result, the concept of Guardian Angels has found its roots in the Bible.

Hell and Angels

Hell’s Angels are Fallen Angels. These are reincarnated as devils and demons of the underworld. For instance, Zephon had plans to set fire to heaven but was thrown out before he could do so. Some people believe that fairies are Fallen one who were not terrible enough to go to Hell.

Some artists even represent these as eagles and swans. On the other hand, you will find many artists depicting an them as a majestic bird with wings. One more fact. The music of this is the universe’s vibration—it is the same melody that creates life. Besides, They sing and beat their wings to create soothing music.

Moreover, They always wear a long, flowing blue or white robe with gold belts and jewellery. They can also communicate in every language and always knows those who would understand his messages first.

Angelic Taxonomy Explained 

They have different hierarchies. They have three hierarchies, and each one has nine choruses. There are three choirs in each order. Along with it, the hierarchy lacks exciting names:

 First Hierarchy

  • Seraphim
  • Cherubim
  • Thrones

Second Hierarchy

  • Dominions
  • Virtues
  • Powers

Third Hierarchy

  • Principalities
  • Archangels
  • Angels

Humans Are Inferior To Angels

Yes! We always fall behind this. After all, They are God’s messengers. That is why they are in charge of conducting different worldly affairs. Moreover, we have many limitations and are powerless in comparison to God’s angels.

Besides, They have the authority and power to carry out God’s will. That is why they are always mightier and more powerful than mortals. 

Wrapping It Up

So, here is the bottom line: They are incredible creatures that God sends from heaven. They help people make life decisions and even protect them from harm. Moreover, They also guard us and send us messages from heaven. Now, it is your turn to tell us which fact surprised you the most.