Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
I am reminding you that growth requires patience. A tree does not bear fruit when the seed is just planted. When the time is right, when the conditions are right to support growth, I will help you bring forth what is needed in the next phase of your life. You may be feeling in the dark right now, but know this is where your greatest growth happens. Allow yourself to be nurtured and cared for by my love.
Your Angel Number For Today:
6 – Today’s number supports nurturing. Support your dreams as you move forward to bringing them to reality. Tend to all your needs: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. By taking care of yourself, you are ensuring you are in prime condition.
Action Steps:
Sometimes tangible evidence of growth is necessary to make the process physical. Think of what you can plant today into the earth, into a pot, that will emerge in the winter months, perhaps winter vegetables or an amaryllis, or a Christmas cactus.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I nurture myself to help my growth, when I take good care of myself I get the most.
Love & Blessings