Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Today I encourage you to become more mindful of the world that surrounds you. Mindfulness helps you to awaken your senses and connect you to your body. When you are more conscious of what you are doing you begin to do things with intention rather than habit. As you pay attention to your senses today, it will impact your relationships too. Your full presence helps you to connect more deeply with people today. They will appreciate your undivided attention and you may notice a connection you have with them you were previously unaware of.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
1 – Today this angelic number encourages creativity. Use this energy to create new ways to see and experience your everyday life. Look upon the seemingly mundane things with the wonder of a child – for you are a child of Heaven.
Action Steps:
Experience life with all your senses; the scent of a baking apple pie, the cooling wind upon your face, the smell of an evening bonfire, the sound of a flock of birds flying overhead. I encourage you to remember that you are an integral part of the world that surrounds you.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I receive and appreciate the beauty of the world that surrounds me, as I tune into my senses I am finding new ways to connect and be.
Love & Blessings