Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“Use this seemingly barren time of the year to make plans to plant a garden of what you want to harvest in the year ahead. Just as seeds are germinating naturally below the winter-hardened ground, so too can you germinate ideas this time of year. I am with you, lovingly supporting your growth.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

9 The number that supports service. As you walk with more awareness of how the angels work in your life, the more you will see how important it is for you to be in service to others, a model of angelic love.

Action Steps:

Flip through a seed catalog, create a vision board, journal. Use today to dream and plan what you want to bring into your life in the new year. As you do so, ask your guardian angels to support you in your planning.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I plant seeds in my life for what I would like to see come with the new year.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team