Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

“Notice the winter silence of nature and in doing so notice how your sense of hearing is heightened. The silence creates space for you to hear those quiet sounds of the season. I speak to you in quieter manners today knowing that you are listening intently.”

Your Angel Number For Today:

4 – is a number of stability. The foundation of your life is strengthened as you allow the angels in to assist you.

Action Steps:

Step outside today and notice how quiet the natural surroundings are. The leaves have fallen and no longer rustle in the wind. Some birds have departed and some animals are hibernating – and those that remain are burrowed somewhere warm. The quiet creates space for you to really hear what is being communicated to you without distractions.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I listen for the quiet communication from my guardian angel.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team